Words of wisdom from business leaders can sometimes fall flat and not resonate much, depending on the context and who is saying them. When most CEOs talk about their background, it’s usually filled with the requisite plaudits, accomplishments, awards and endorsements. But you’ll hear something much different from the CEO of Flexi Software in this interview. True to character, his focus is not on himself but rather on what he believes drives genuine success: people, passion, and product – in that order.
In a recent interview with The Connecticut Business & Industry Association, Stefan R. Bothe, co-founder and CEO of Flexi Software, recounts stories that have shaped his career and the lessons learned, including the early days when his younger self arrived in the United States determined to learn the English language and make a successful life for himself.
As you listen to the full interview with Mr. Bothe, pay attention to his humility. Humble people share the credit and the wealth. While they remain focused and hungry to continue the journey of success, truly successful people are always quick to point out that they could not have accomplished anything without the help of others.
Mr. Bothe has learned over the years that whether it is in sales or marketing or software development, great people are the keys to a great company. In fact, when he is hiring people, he looks for potential on a resume and not necessarily experience or time spent at one particular company. “I don’t want someone who’s been doing the same thing for the last ten years. That’s someone who is set in their ways.”
He also said, “there is no straight road to success. There will be plenty of bumps along the way.” You need to be able to respond and react to those bumps. Mr. Bothe believes that it is okay to fail because often failure breeds success, but you must be able to pivot.
His message for those that are just starting out? “Take risks and have a plan. If it does not work, you adjust. But take risks.”
You can view the full interview below.